This week we loosely focused on "avant-garde" music of the 20th century. Music that contained Various techniques were featured: chance, serialism, minimalism, etc. We also organized a concert of two works: "Four" by Mehrdad Yazdani and John Cage's classic silent piece. "Four" was a premier performance and more details about the piece and performance to be posted later.
Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/cxuthj
The tracklist:
1. "Ur Sonata" - Kurt Schwitters
2. "Chess Pieces/Sonatas and Interludes" - John Cage
3. "Four" - Mehrdad Yazdani
4. "4'33"" - John Cage
5. "Apparitions: II. Agitato" - Gyorgy Ligeti
6. "San Francisco Polyphony" - Gyorgy Ligeti
7. "Phase Patterns" - Steve Reich
8. "Electronische Musik" - Karlheinz Stockhausen