Ah, post rock. Just what does that mean? It was a lot trendier in the 90's to listen to this stuff, but with bands like Signal Hill and El Ten Eleven (not to mention giants like The Battles), post rock is making a slow revival. Woo hoo. Tune in to get a little feel.
1.Slint - Breadcrumb Trail
2.Gastr del Sol - For Soren Mueller
3.Mogwai - Like Herod
4.Tortoise - I Set My Face to the Hillside
5.Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Rockets Fall on Rocket Falls
6.Vibracathedral Orchestra - Your Head Shone Like a Stone
7.Do Make Say Think - Horns of a Rabbit
8.Unwound - Terminus
9.Sigur Rós - Untitled 4
10.Grouper - Second Skin/Zombin Wind
11.Talk Talk - Ascension Day
12.Physics - + O -
13.Aspects of Physics - Scene of Changery
14.El Ten Eleven - Jumping Frenchmen of Maine
15.El Ten Eleven - Paranoid Android
16.Stereolab - Neon Beanbag