Friday, July 31, 2009


Sorry! No link to actual show since said show was not recorded!

1. Andromeda Express Orchestra - Milky Way Fables
2. Anthony Braxton - Dedicated to Multi-Instrumentalist Jack Gell
3. Anthony Braxton - To Composer John Cage
4. Derek Bailey and The Ruins - Dhamzhai/Sytnniwa
5. AMM - Ailantus Glandulosa

Friday, July 10, 2009


1. Sunn O))) - Big Church
2. Nico Muhly - Keep In Touch
3. Petro Loa - No Rada No Rada
4. Axolotl - Untitled 1
5. Godfrey J Kola - Somalia!
6. Lucien Monbuttou - Kpiele

Sorry! No link to actual show since said show was not recorded!

Friday, July 3, 2009

No Wave No Diego Policy Changes!! And! Introducing FALD!

Attention! Attention! This just in!!

We here at the No Wave No Diego headquarters have reached a new policy which we will initiate immediately, by executive decree! If you have been following our programme, then you know that every week we focused on a specific theme in music(this very blog is a testament to that). But, if you listened really closely (or maybe from a distant), then you would have noticed that we tend to focus on "new" (AKA "extreme" AKA "experimental" AKA "avant garde", etc) music a great deal of the time. And, occasionally, we would also play music that is very accessible, commercial, and fun.

Thus, the plan is to split the show in TWO, like a schism. The first hour of show will be "pop" music oriented (we loosely define pop as anything that is "tonal"). That show, dubbed "fuck art, let's dance!", will be hosted on

As for No Wave No Diego, we will continue doing shows but we will now focus solely on "new" music. Hopefully this way it will make everyone happy!!!


Shoot away any questions, whatever!


HR of No Wave No Diego